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Tips and Tricks to Send Emails Directly into Customer Inbox

Tips and Tricks to Send Emails Directly into Customer Inbox

Nowadays, Email marketing has become a very complex mode of the digital marketing. Although, it is one of the very popular methods of E-marketing but many people believe that Email marketing is no longer effective as most of the time our mails are either not opened or directly thrown into the spam box. However, Email marketing hasn’t lost it’s charm yet and it is still effective if we use it in a right way. Obviously, if you flood the random email accounts with your multiple marketing contents then its not going to work out.

Guide to Send Emails Directly into Customer Inbox

Email marketing is one of the important branch of digital marketing. We are going to discuss about some of the basic tips and tricks which you need to keep in mind before sending marketing emails. These tips and tricks will help your emails to reach directly into the customer inbox and can minimise the chances of getting marked as spam.

1) Always Use an Eye-Catching Subject Title

It is really important to attract the receiver by an eye-catching subject title because if the customers find it very attractive then there are high chances that they will definitely open it and read the mail. It’s completely upto you that how you compose your subject and overall mail. If your subject and email content is very ordinary then obviously customers will ignore it and it will end up in the spam box. Even, your emails may get blocked and you will not be able to email them in future.

2) Try to Build a Relationship with the Customers

You need to keep in mind that your email should not contain a typical marketing message. Your main focus should be on building a strong relationship with yout potential customers so you should send a series of mails with a specific time gap to create a connection between you and your customers. When you find out that they have got an interest in you then you can send your marketing emails to them because there is high probability that they will open and read the email content properly.

3) Always Add the “Unsubscribe” Option

It may sound weird but you should always give your readers an unsubscribe option and it is a very polite way for asking that if they are interested or not. This can also save your time and efforts as if the customers aren’t interested in your content or if they aren’t relevant to your business then they will let you know and you don’t have to send emails to them anymore. Moreover, this feature can save your sender score or also called “credit score” which represents the credibility and acceptance of your emails.

4) Keep and Eye Over the Customer Response

It is very important to track the customer’s response toward your emails. If you receive any response to your email then you should read and handle it immediately because if you take a long time in it then the customers may forget about it or they will lose their interest. You have to be very active to respond all the customers queries. It is also very essential for building a good reputation of your company. So, be prepared accordingly if you expect a large number of responses.

5) Optimized According to the Mobile Devices

Its an undeniable fact that nowadays, majority of the users prefer their mobile phones to check their personal mails. Computers are just limited for the office use as the smartphones can handle most of the work. So, its very important for you to optimize your email content by considering mobile users. There are certain aspects that you have to work on while optimization. Such as, attachments & backlinks. If they are meant for PCs then definitely mobile users will not be able to read your mails properly and will ignore it.


These are the some of the very important tips and tricks which you need to consider while using emails for the marketing purpose because Email marketing has become very advanced and complex nowadays so it will work only if you know about how to use it wisely. I hope the above given tips and tricks will be really helpful for you.



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